Library Policies
The following policies govern how we use our library.
Circulation Policies
- Books checked out from the Greenville Public Library have a three week loan period. Items checked out from other libraries using the interlibrary loan system are subject to the lending library's check out policy. A fine of $0.15 is charged for each day a book is overdue.
- Periodicals checked out from the Greenville Public Library have a one week loan period. A fine of $0.15 is charged for each day a periodical is overdue. Current periodicals are not circulated.
- Videos and DVDs checked out from the Greenville Public Library have a one week loan period. A fine of $1.00 is charged for each day a movie or DVD is overdue. Patrons under the age of eighteen may not check out DVDs and VHS tapes. Videos and DVDs are limited to three per family.
- Items put in the drop box after business hours will be backdated to the previous business day.
- As a courtesy, we try to contact people with overdue items by phone. If we are unable to contact you, a bill will be sent to the address on your account.
- The number of items borrowed may be limited by the librarian.
- A patron with $5.00 or more in fines must pay the fine in full before borrowing more.
- There is a limit of five new books per patron and forty items per household. Of the 40 items, 5 of the items may be videos, with a limit of 3 videos that belong to the Greenville Public Library.
- A price has been attached to all materials. All items damaged or lost require the amount to be paid. We do not accept replacements. There may also include a processing fee.
- We only accept cash or check as a means of payment.
Computer Workstation Rules
- Before you begin, sign up by writing your name and the time you begin at the circulation desk. Computer usage is limited to one hour, per patron, per day.
- No food or drink at the workstations.
- Children under 15 years of age must have the direct supervision of an adult (18 years of age or older).
- Computer users will monitor their time on the computer so that printing and downloading is completed five minutes before closing and within their time slot. Computers will be shut off five minutes before closing time.
- Privacy is not guaranteed. This is a public facility. Sexually explicit material is not appropriate and will result in the loss of computer privileges.
- No online gambling is allowed.
- The cost of printing is $0.25 per side for black and white copies and $0.50 per side for color copies. We encourage patrons to preview print requests so that errors may be avoided.
- Please work quietly. Headphones are available at the circulation desk. Cell phone use is permitted while at computers, but keep in mind that others are listening. We would appreciate long conversations be taken outside.